Ros Davies' Co. Down, Northern Ireland Family History Research Site
© Rosalind Davies 2001

Permission granted to reprint research for non-profit use only

Slanes & Castleboy Parishes


Cloghy Presbyterian Church


Cloghy Presbyterian Church

Right on the shore of Cloghy Bay. I don't have much information about this church. Can you send any?

Rev. James Gamble was minister c. 1860.

From Journal Upper Ards Historical Society;
Special service held 27 Ap 1912 to raise funds to repair the church

Baptisms from 1844 & burials from 1851; graveyard nearby, gravestones UHF Vol 14; email me for a gravestone look-up. North of Ireland FH Society has Baptisms 1841-1921; Marriages 1845-1921

References;GIC; GIPR; V14 MIs; SBTS Appendix D


by Ros Davies