Ros Davies' Co. Down, Ireland Genealogy Research Site
© Rosalind Davies 2001
Permission granted to reprint research for non-profit use only

Ballynahinch Presbyterian Church 1722-1728

An Account of what Collections & Disbursments hath been in this Congregation (1704-1734) since Mr. Hendry Livingston become our Minister (in Ballynahinch). Who was Ordained Tuesday Aprill 25th 1704, by the Presbytry of Down.

Transcribed by Julian Armstrong.

For ease of search and typing, almost all the names below are shown in full, whereas some are abbreviated in the original. . JRA

I think the moor cloth mentioned is a burial shroud that was hired out to people. Raps are counterfeit coins .RD

1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728

clck here for previous records 1718-1721

Date Collections Disbursements Amount
1722 . . s=shillings
p= pence
£ = pounds
Sab. January 7th 3s 2p to ye Clerk of ye Synod 1s
Sab. January 14th 2s 11p to Thomas McNary 1s
. .. to John Gough 8p
. . to Marion McKee 6p
. . to John Gough 4p
. . to two poor Men 4p
. . to John Rodger 1s
. . to Marion McKee 6p
. . This day Accounts being Stated with William Beatty, Box Master we find in his hand of ye Sum of Three Pounds Twelve Shillings & four
Pence Sie(?) Witnessed by Will Fayris & John Ringland
January 18th. . To John Gough 4p
Sab. January 21st 1s 5p to Thomas Gibson a Suplicant 8p
. . To Paper 6p
. . To one David Lindsey 6p
Sab. January 28th 4s 2p to George Graham 1s
. . To John Gough 4p
. . To Rose O'Doran 1s
Sab. February 4th 2s 7p to Marion McKee 6p
.. . To John Gough 4p
Sab. February 11th 4s 4p to George Holms 5s
. . To Buriell of John Rodgers 4s
Sab. February 18th 4s Disb. to Jane George 6p
. . To John Gough 8p
. . To last Mays Rent of ye Meeting House 15s 6p
Sab. February 25th 16s 9p to Marion McKee 6p
.. . To Jane George 6p
.. . To John Gough 4p
Sab. March 4th 5s 9p to George Graham 6p
. . To John Mitchell 3p
Sab. March 11th 2s 7p to a poor Man faln sick on ye Toad 1s
. . To Publick Expenc 5p
Sab. March 18th 4s 3p to Bartholomew Gibson 4p
. . To John Gourley 8p
Sab. March 25th 4s 3p to Widow Simpson 2p
. . To Marion McKee 6p
. . To John Mitchell 6p
Sab. April 1st 3s 7p to John Gough 4p
. . To Mending Glass Windows 1s 8p
. . To a poor lame Solger (! JRA) 2p
. . To a Load Turf 2p
Sab. April 8th 4s 7p to Rose O'Doran 8p
. . To Widow Anderson 6p
. . To John Gough 4p
Sab. April 22nd 4s to loss by a Sheeten 3p
. . To Robert Stewart 1s 1p
. . To Marion McKee 6p
. . To John Mitchell 6p
Sab. April 29th 3s 10p to John Gough 4p
. . To a poor Man 1p
. . To John Morow 5s
. . To Robert McClelland 2s
Sab. May 6th 5s 3p to ye Elder last Presbytry 1s 6p
. . To John Gough 8p
.,. . To John Mitchell 4p
. . To Rose O'Doran 6p
. . To Marion McKee 6p
Wednesday May 9th 15s 6p to George Graham 6p
Saturday May 12th £1.1.3 to Bread 7s
Sab. May 13th £1.5.4 to Wine £1.13.4
Monday May 14th 18s 10p to William Hay for Cutting Turf 7s
. . To Bringing ye Eliments 2s 6p
. . To Widow Curry 1s 4p
. . To John Mitchell 6p
. . To ye Comon Poor 1s 10p
. . To Widow Anderson 6p
. . To Beer Brandy & necessarys 11s 6p
. . To James Kermont 1s
. . To Rose Steuart 1s
. . To John Kelso for Work 1s
. . To Washing Linen 1s
. . To ye Sexton 2s 8p
. . To Scollobs 4p
. . To Marion McKee 1s
. . To Grissell Forment 1s
. . To George Graham 1s
. . To Sarah Campbell 1s
. . To James McNary 1s
. . To Janet Maxwell 1s
. . To Will Carland 1s
. . To John Gough 4p
. . To John Gough 1s 3p
Sab. May 20th 2s 2p Disb. to John McCreery 1s
. . To John Davison 1s 4p
Sab. June 3rd 3s 5p to John Mitchell 6p
. . To John Gough 4p
Sab. June 10th 1s 8p to Marion McKee 6p
. . To Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. June 17th 3s 9p to George Graham 4p
. . To John Gough 8p
. . to Thomas McNary 8p
. . to Grissell Forment 8p
.. . to Adam Palmer Senr 1s1p
. . To Widow Anderson 6p
. . to Andrew Armer (Armour JRA) 6p
. . This day Accounts being Stated with William Beatty, Box Master we find in his hand of ye Poors Money ye Sum of Four pounds four
Shillings & Six pence Sterling. Witnessed by James Traill ,Will Fayries
& Alex. McClelland
Sab. June 24th £1.2.0 to John Gough 4p
. . To ye Buriall of Jane George 2s 9p
Sab. Jully 1st 5s 10p to ye Comon Beggers 7p
. . To Anthony O'Docharty 1s
. . To George Graham 7p
. . To Widow Anderson 7p
Sab. Jully 8th 2s 2p Hearth Money little House 2s
. . To James Kermont 1s
. . To John Moore 2s
. . To Liny Robinson 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 8p
. . To Thomas McNary 6p
. . To Margaret Reid 6p
. . To Janet Maxwell 4p
. .. To auld David Martin 4p
Sab. Jully 22nd 5s 3p Disb. to John Gough 4p
. . To Henry Glass a Suplicant 4p
. . To Marion McKee 6p
Sab. Jully 29th 19s 6p to Thomas McNary 1s
. . To Grissell Formont 4p
. . To John Gough 8p
. . To three poor People 6p
. . To Will Robison in Ballycrien 1s 6p
. . To John Moore 1s 6p
. . To ye Publick Fund £1.10.0
Sab. August 5th 2s 7p to Robert Stouert 1s 1p
. . To Grissell Formont 4p
. . To John Gough 4p
. . To Margaret Reid 6p
. . To Sarah Campbell 9p
. . To Marion McKee 3p
. . To John Gough 4p
Wednesday August 8th 5s 1p to Grissell Forment 4p
. . To Rose O'Doran 6p
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To Thomas McNary 6p
. . To Widow Anderson 6p
Sab. August 12th
5s 2p to Marion McKee
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
Sab. August 19th 3s 11p to George Jameson 1s 1p
. . To George Holms 1s 1p
... . To Rose O'Doran 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
. . To Daniell Hamilton 8p
. . To Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. August 26th 4s 10p to Thomas McNary 6p
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To Thomas McNary 5p
. . To Marion McKie 5p
. . To Widow Anderson 6p
Sab. September 2nd 4s to Grissell Forment 4p
. . To Robert Steuart 10p
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
. . To George Graham 6p
.. . To Marion McKie 6p
.. . To Rose O'Doran 6p
. . To Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. September 9th 3s 4p to old David Martin 2p
. . To Thomas McNary 6p
.. . To Marion McKee 4p
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
Sab. September 16th 18s 4p Disb. To Marion McKee 4p
. . To Thomas McNary 4p
. . To Margaret Reid 4p
. . To Rose O'Doran 6p
Sab. September 23rd 4s to Grissell Forment 4p
. . To Marion McKee 4p
. . To George Jameson 8p
Sab. September 30th 4s to Widow Anderson 8p
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
. . To Marion McKee 4p
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To Deals & their Carriage 6s
. . To ye last May Rent of ye Meeting House 15s 6p
. . To a poor Man 1p
Sab. October 7th 3s 10p to Grissell Forment 4p
. . To a broken Merchant 8p
. . To a poor Man 1p
Sab. October 14th 5s 9p to a load of Turf 2p
. . To Bread 6s
. . To Wine £1.18.4
Wednesday October 17th 15s 2p to Beer Brandy & Necessaries 9s 9p
Saturday October 20th 19s 1p to James Dorment 6p
. . To ye Comon Poor 1s 4p
Sab. October 21st £1.12.0 to Widow Anderson 6p
. . To Margaret Reid 6p
Monday October 22nd 19s 3p to Robert Steuert 1s
. . To Grissell Forment 1s 1p
. . To Thomas McNary 6p
.. . To Widow Rea 8p
. . To Marion McKee 1s
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To Bringing ye Elements 2s 6p
. . To Washing Linin 1s
. . To Ribs for ye Meeting House 1s
. . To ye Sexton 8s
. . To Sarah Campbell 8p
. . To Janet Maxwell 1s
. . To Mending one of ye Cups 4p
. . To a load of Turf 2p
Wednesday October 24th 4s 2p to James McCartney 2s
. . To Brice Boyde 1s 1p
Sab. October 28th 2s 9p to two poor people 4p
. . To George Jameson s
Sab. November 4th 3s 5p Disb. To Marion McKee 6p
. . To Mary Reid 6p
November 8th . to one Mrs. Boyde 1s
. . to Robert Blakly for Straw 1s 11p
. . to Grissell Forment 8p
. . to George Graham 6p
. . to Marion McKee 6p
. . to Thomas McNary 1s
. . to Margaret Reid 6p
. . To Marion McKee 6p
. . This day accounts being stated with William Beatty, Box Master and now find in his hand of ye Poors Money ye Sum of Five Pounds Nineteen Shillings & five pence Sterling.
Witnessed by James Traill, Alex McClelland & Will Fayries
Sab. November 11th 3s 2p to George Graham 6p
. . To Marion McKee 6p
Sab. November 18th 3s 7p to a poor Man 2p
. . To Mr. Elder for Clerks fees 5s
Sab. November 25th 4s 3p to Samwell McMeckan by order of ye Presbytry 2s
. . to George Graham 1s
. . to Marion McKee 6p
. . to Grissell Forment 1s 6p
.Sab. December 2nd 2s 11p to ye Buriall of George Holms Children 3s
. . To William Davidson, Ballycroon 6s 6p
Sab. December 9th 4s 3p to Francis Be(a)tty for Straw 6s 8p
. . To John Anderson for Straw 10s 6p
Sab. December 16th 2s 9p to Scollabs 3s 8p
. . To James Murphy for thatching 8s
Sab. December 23rd £2.11.6 to William Waugh for Straw 5s 1p
. . For Repairing ye Meeting House to George Joyce for Screws 2s
. . To Archd McCaugherty for Work 5s
. . To John Gough for Work 6s 8p
Sab. December 30th 2s 4p to Patrick McCraban 3s
. . To Widow Anderson 6p
. . To Comon Baggers 5p
. . To ye Elder at ye Synod 4s 6p
. . To ye Clerk of ye Synod 1s
1723 Collections Disbursements Amount
Sab. January 6th 3s to Thomas McNary 1s 2p
. . To ye Burial of Marion McKee 1s 2p
. . To a poor Scholar 5p
Sab. January 13th 15s 7p to Mr. James Kirkpatrick for Mr. Hendry 10s
. . To Maimed Scotchman 4p
Sab. January 20 2s 5p to William Carland 1s
Sab. January 27 2s 11p to Widow Anderson 6p
. . To Ails Cod a Suplicant 4p
Sab. February 3 3s 6p Disb. to Sarah Campbell 6p
. . to a poor Lad 1p
. . to Grissell Forment 2s
. . to Janet Maxwell 4p
. . to Margaret Reid 4p
. . To Widow Crawford & Fool Dick 4p
. . to John Stewart a Suplicant 8p
. . to George Graham 6p
. . to Grissell Forment 4p
. . to McCravan for Scollabs 4p
. . to Thomas McNary 4p
. . Accounts being Stated with William Beatty ,Box Master now finds in his hand of ye Poors Money ye sum of Four Pounds Eighteen Shillings
& three pence: which sum he is ordered to deliver to Mr. Traill.
Witnessed by Will Ffayries & Alex. McClelland
Sab. February 10th 4s 6p to George Graham 4p
Friday February 15th. . to Robert Stewart 1s 1p
. . to Widow Anderson 6p
. . to Grissell Forment 4p
. . This day ye Session have Apointed Mr. James Traill to be Treasurer of ye Poors Money in this Congregation: in room of William Beatty .
. . . To Margaret Reid 6p
. . To two common Bugers 2p
. . To Thomas McNary 8p
Sab. February 17th 3s 2p to George Graham 1s
Sab. February 24th 7s 6p to Grissell Forment 4p
. . To William Carland 1s 4p
Sab. March 3rd 4s to Grissell Forment 8p
Sab. March 10th 4s 6p to Old David Martin 2p
Sab. March 17th 3s to Widow Maxwell 4p
.. . To Grissell Forment 4p
Sab. March 24th 4s 2p to James Lormont 1s
Sab. March 31st 3s 2p to Thomas McNary 6p
. . To John Gough for work 2s 6p
. . To Hearth money for little House 2s
Sab. April 7th £1.0.3 to Robert McClelland 2s
. . To Grissell Forment 8p
Sab. April 14th 3s to Mary Reid 6p
Thursday 25th 4s 6p to George Graham 6p
. . To ye buriel of Widow Rankin 2s 10p
Sab. April 28th 3s 11p to Grissell Forment 4p
Sab. May 5th 4s 8p to ye House Rent last Allsaints 15s
Wednesday May 8th 18s 6p to Andrew Watson for taking Widow Palmers Child 1s 6p
Saturday May 11th £1.2.9 to Widow Anderson 7p
Sab. May 12th £1.17.0 to Patrick McCullon 6p
Monday May 13th £1.2.2 to Grissell Forment 4p
Sab. May 19th 4s to George Jameson 1s
Sab. June 2nd 4s 5p to Widow Carland 5s
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
Sab. June 9th 3s 11p to a poor Suplicant 4p
Sab. June 16th £1.9.0 Disb. to George Graham 1s
. . To Thomas McNary 7p
Sab. June 30th 5s 2p By ye Presbyteries Orders to Fultons Expenses 5s
Sab. July 7th 3s 6p to ye Elder at ye Presbytery 1s 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 8p
Sab. July 21st 4s 7p to Eliments for Bread & Wine £2.5.4
Sab. July 28th 3s 9p to Carriage thereof 2s 6p
Sab. August 4th 4s 5p to ye Comon poor 1s 6p
. . To Beer Brandy & Nessasarys 10s
Sab. August 11th 4s 1p to Washing Linen 1s
Sab. August 18th 3s 3p to Mending ye Rinlets 4p
. . To putting new feet in ye Tables 5s 4p
Sab. August 25th 4s 11p to burial of Thomas McNarys Child 1s 9p
Sab. September 1st 3s 10p to one Pride a Suplicant 1s 1p
. . To Thomas McNary 6p
Sab. September 8th 3s to Grissell Forment 8p
Sab. September 15th 4s 2p to Widow Anderson 6p
Sab. September 22nd 5s 5p to Mr. Forgy Probationer 5s 2p
Friday September 27th . these Books has been revised and approved hitherto 6p
. . To George Graham 8p
. . to Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. September 29th 5s 11p to Ribs for ye Meeting House 5s 4p
. . To ye Sexton 2s 6p
Sab. October 6th £1.4.9 to ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 3p
. . To ye Publick Fund £1.10.0
Saturday October 12th 19s 11p to ye Clerk of ye Synod 1s
Sab. October 13th £1.11.8 to Grissell Forment 8p
Monday October 14th 18s 7p to loss by a threteen 3p
. . To Samwell Wood
Sab. October 20th 3s 11p to Janet Maxwell 6p
Wednesday October 23rd . to Widow Anderson 6p
. . to Margaret Reid 6p
. . to Comn Begers 4p
. . To Grissell Forment 8p
. . To George Graham
. . To John Gough 4p
. . Accounts being Stated With Mr. Traill Box Master now found in his hand Of ye poors Money Four pounds Nine Shillings &
Eleven pence halfpenny.
Sab. October 27th 3s 11p to George Graham 6p
Sab. November 3rd 4s 3p to John Moore 3s
Sab. November 10th 3s 9p to Paper 3p
. . To Grissell Forment 8p
Wednesday November 13th 4s 8p to George Graham 6p
Sab. November 17th 4s 4p to Thomas McNary 6p
Sab. November 24th 3s 2p to Widow Anderson 6p
. . To Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. December 1st 2s 11p to Janet Maxwell 6p
Sab. December 8th 4s 10p to ye Elder at Presbytry 1s 6p
Sab. December 15th 3s 2p Disb. to a Poor Man 1p
Sab. December 22nd 5s 1p to George Graham 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
. . To ye Burial of a poor Lad 1s 5p
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To James Todd a Suplicant 6p
. . To a poor Man whose House was burned 2p
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
. . To Thomas McNary 6p
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To Grissell Furment 4p
. . To Widow Anderson 6p
. . To Wood Cuts for Scollabs 1s 4p
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To Thomas McNary 6p
. .. To Grissell Forment 4p
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
. . To Jennet Maxwell 6p
. . To Samwell Carlille in part,of nursing his Child 5s
. . To George Graham 6p
. .. To Grissell Forment 4p
. . To Margaret Reid 6p
. . To Thomas McNary 6p
. . To George Graham 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 4p
. . To ye Saxton carrying a Letter 6p
. . To Candles p
. . To George Graham 6p
1724 Collections Disbursements Amount
Sab. January 5th 3s 2p to Grissell Forment 4p
Sab. January 12th 4s 9p to last May Rent of Meeting House 15s 6p
Sab. January 19th 1s 3p to Bread 5s 10p
Sab. January 26th 2s to Wine £2
. . To Carriage 2s 6p
Sab. February 2nd 4s 5p to Bryan McIlveny 3s
. . To ye Comon poor 9p
Sab. February 9th 3s 5p to Thomas Johnston 1s
Sab. February 16th 3s 6p to Robert Crawford 6p
. . To Washing ye Table Linen 1s
Sab. February 23rd 4s 2p to Widow Anderson 1s
. . To Janet Maxwell 1s
Sab. March 1st 5s 3p to Thomas McNary 1s
Sab. March 8th 4s 1p Disb. to ye Saxton 2s 2p
. . To Nessasieries 7s 10p
Sab. March 15th 3s 5p to Samuel Moore 5s 5p
Sab. March 22nd 5s 4p to Grissel Forment 1s
. . To Margaret Reid 1s
Sab. March 29th 4s 4p to Will McParlan 4p
Sab. April 5th 4s 7p to two poor Men 9p
Sab. April 12th 2s 6p to Margaret Reid 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 8p
Sab. April 19th £1.0.10 to Andrew Jameson 5s 5p
Sab. April 26th 1s 11p to Thomas McNary 1s 1p
. . To Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. May 3rd 5s 2p to Grissell Forment 4p
Wednesday May 6th 18s 7p to a poor Man in distress 1s
Saturday May 9th £1.0.2 to Grissell Forment 4p
Sab. May 10th £1.12.7 to Margaret Reid 6p
Monday May 11th 19s 6p to nursing Sam Carliles Child 5s
. . To ye Elder at Presbytry 1s 6p
Sab. May 17th 2s 11p to Samwell Mood 1s 1p
Sab. May 31st 4s 8p to the Pentioners 1s 5p
Sab. June 14 5s to a lame Man 1s
. . To Widow Maxwell 8p
June 17th . to a poor Man 2p
. .. to Mr. Elder Clerks fees 5s
. . to Margaret Reid 2s
. . To Grissell Forment 3p
. . To Widow Anderson 4p
. . to Samwell Hamilton 6p
. . to Andrew Jameson 5s 5p
. . This day accounts being Stated with Mr. Traill Treasurer and Now find in his hand Five Pounds Eight Shillings and three pence Sterling.
Witnessed by Will Ffayries & Alex McClelland
. . To two poor Suplicants 9p
. . To Thomas McNary 8p
. . To David Erwin 6p
. . To John Delap 1s 1p
. . To ye Clerk of ye Synod 1s 2p
. . To Janet Maxwell 6p
Sab. June 21st 4s 11p to Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. June 28th 3s 9p to Widow Anderson 1s 1p
. . To Robert McClelland 1s 1p
Sab. July 5th 4s 3p to Margaret Reid 1s 6p
Sab. July 12th Coll. 4s 7p to Grissell Forment 1s 1p
. . To the burial of Thomas McNary 2s
Sab. July 19th 5s 1p to Widow Anderson 6p
Sab. July 26th 4s 10p to John Reid 2s 2p
. . To Grissell Forment 1s
Sab. August 2nd 3s 10p to a poor Suplicant 6p
August 9th 4s 4p to Margaret Reid 1s
Sab. August 16th 3s 9p Disb. To Mary Taylor 8p
. . To Grissell Forment 8p
Wednesday August 19th 5s p to ye Clerk of ye Presbytry 5s
Sab. August 23rd 4s to Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. August 30th 4s 5p to McGuires poor Children 2s
. . To William McBurney -Mason Works 9s
Sab. September 6th 2s 8p to Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. September 13th 2s 8p to one Traill by Brief 2s
. . To Janet Maxwell 6p
Sab. September 20th 18s 10p to Grissell Forment 1s 2p
Sab. September 27th 3s 10p to Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. October 4th 4s 9p to Janet Maxwell 6p
. . To Margaret Reid 1s 6p
Wednesday October 7th 19s 6p to Grissell Forment 11p
. . To Old Thomas Martin 4p
Sab. October 11th £1.8. to Widow Anderson 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 1s 8p
Sab. October 18th 3s 6p to a Poor Scholar 9p
Sab. October 25th 3s 6p to last Allsaints Rent 15s 6p
Sab. November 1st 3s 8p to Margaret Reid 1s
. . To one Mr. Shaw 1s 1p
Sab. November 8th 3s 7p to Janet Maxwell 8p
Sab. November 15th 3s 8p to a Dumb Man 6p
Sab. November 22nd 4s to Margaret Reid 6p
Sab. November 29th 19s 3p to Bread & Wine-For Repairs of House £2.0.4
. . to ye Carriage from Belfast 2s 6p
. . To Beer Brandy & Nessasaries 9s 9p
Sab. December 6th 2s 6p to the Comon Poor 1s
Sab. December 13th 2s 6p to our own Poor 4s
. . To Washing the Linen 1s
Sab. December 20th 10s 10p to ye Saxton 2s 2p
Sab. December 27th 2s 11p to Grissell Forment 10p
. . To Janett Maxwell 8p
. . To our poor 2s 2p
. . To Margaret Reid 1s 8p
. . To Janett Maxwell 1s 8
. . To George Jameson 1s 6p
. . To Patrick Lowery 6p
1725 Collections Disbursements Amount
Sab. January 10th 1s 6p to Grissell Forment 1s 8p
Sab. January 17th 3s To John Maxwell by order of Presbytry 10s 10p
Sab. January 24th 3s 5p to John Delap 1s 1p
Sab. January 31st 5s 4p to Widow Boyd 1s
. . To ye Burrial of Mary Hana 2s 7p
Sab. February 7th 4s 1p to putting in Ribs in Meeting House 2s 8p
Sab. February 14th 3s 4p to a poor Suplicant 6p
Sab. February 21st 4s to Margaret Reid 2s
. . To Janett Maxwell 2s
Sab. February 28th 3s 7p to Widow Anderson 6p
. . to Widow Anderson 2s
Sab. March 7th 4s to Ould Samwell Moore 9s 4p
Sab. March 14th 4s 3p to Widow Boyd 1s 1p
Sab. March 21st 3s 8p to two poor Men 8p
. . To ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
Sab. March 28th 4s to Hinges for the Windows 4p
Sab. April 4th 4s to fool Dick McMoran 2p
. . To Widow Boyd 1s 1p
Sab. April 11th 19s p to William Carland 4s 6p
Sab. April 18th 3s 2p to ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
. . To Ails Codd 6p
Sab. May 2nd 6s 11p to Margaret Reid 1s 8p
Wednesday May 5th 19s 3p to Janett Maxwell 1s 4p
Saturday May 8th £1.0.7 to Widow Anderson 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 1s 8p
Sab. May 9th £1.13.7 To last May Rent 15s 6p
Monday May 10th 17s 6p to Widow Boyd 1s
Sab. May 16th 3s 6p to two poor People 5p
. . To Mr. Ferguson 5s 5p
May 20th. . to ye Burrial of John Taylor 2s 2p
. . to a poor Suplicant 6p
. . to William Taylor for Straw 2s 6p
. . to ye Elements £2.0.4
. . to ye Carriage from Belfast 2s 6p
. . to ye Comon Poor 6p
. . to our own Poor 6s 4p
. . To thatching Meeting House 3s
. . To ye Saxton for Work 4s 2p
. . to James Campbell in Kilmore 10p
. . to David Erwin 6p
. . An Account being Stated with Mr. Traill Box Master anent ye Poors
Money now finds in his hand ye sum of Five Pounds Eighteen Shillings & Nine Sterling: for Five Pounds of which Mr. Traill hath given his Bond to be lodged In Mr. Macalpines hand in behalf of ye
Witnessed by William Ffayries & Alex: McClelland
.. . to ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
. . to nursing Widow Browns child 15s
.. . to Janett Maxwell 2s
. . to Margaret Reid 2s
. . to Thomas Beatty for Straw 18s 2p
. . to ye Comon Poor 1s
. . to Richard Woods 2s
Sab. May 30th 3s 5p to Grissell Forment 2s 2p
Sab. June 13th 3s 11p to Widow Anderson 6p
Sab. June 27th 4s 7p to John Anderson for Straw 5s
Sab. July 4th 4s 10p to John Gough for Work 3s
. . To John Kelso for Work 1s 2p
Sab. July 18th 4s 7p Disb. to ye Glassure 1s
Sab. August 1st 4s 7p to James McNight for Ribs 4s
Wednesday August 4th 4s 5p to ye Clerk of ye Synod 1s
Sab. August 8th 4s to Janet Maxwell 1s 8p
. . To a blind Man 1s 1p
. . to Grissell Forment 1s 8p
. . to Widow Anderson 6p
. . to two poor People 8p
. . Alexander McClelland is Appointed Box Master in ye Room of Mr. Traill. .
. . To Widow Brown 12s
Sab. August 15th 3s11p to Margaret Reid 1s 4p
Sab. August 22nd 3s 4p to Janet Maxwell 1s 8p
Sab. August 29th 3s 8p to Widow Anderson 5p
Sab. September 5th 3s 8p to Grissell Forment 2s
. . To a Ladder 12s
Sab. September 12th 4s 4p to John Kelso for Work 5s 5p
Sab. September 26th 3s 3p to John Gough for Work 3s 6p
. . To mending a Chair 4p
Sab. October 3rd 3s 4p to two poor men 8p
Wednesday October 6th 8s 1p to Margaret Reid 2s 4p
Saturday October 11th 12s to Widow Anderson 6p
Sab. October 12th £1.7.1 to John Delap 1s 1p
Monday October 13th 8s 11p to Janett Maxwell 2s
. . To ye Comon Poor 1s 1p
Sab. October 17th 3s 8p to ye Exchange of Rapps 5s 4p
Sab. October 24th 3s 7p to George Jameson 2s
Sab. October 31st 3s 2p to last Alsaints Rent 15s 6p
. . To a load of Turf 2p
Sab. November 7th 1s 8p to ye Eliments £2.2.0
Sab. November 14th 4s 1p to ye Comon Poor 8p
Sab. November 21st 3s 7p to ye Carriage 2s 6p
. . To Janet Maxwell 8p
Sab. November 28th 3s 8p to Margaret Reid 8p
Sab. December 5th 10s 3p to Grissell Formont 2s
Sab. December 12th 5s 8p to Beer Brandy & Nesaeries 7s
. . To ye Saxton 2s
Sab. December 19th 3s 5p to James Campbell 6p
Sab. December 26th 3s 1p to Cathren Johnston 6p
. . To James Kermont 1s
. . To Widow Brown 10s
. . To Widow Taylor 1s
1726 Collections Disbursements Amount
Sab. January 2nd 4s to Mary Reid 2s
Sab. January 9th 2s 8p Disb. To Janet Maxwell 2s
. . To Grissell Forment 4s
Sab. January 16th 3s 11p to loss by Rapps 1s 1p
Sab. January 22nd 4s 3p to a distressed Minister 1s 7p
Sab. February 6th 2s 8p to James Kermont 1s
. . To ye Elder at ye General Synod 17s
Sab. February 13th 2s 9p to Widow Anderson 8p
Sab. February 20th 3s 4p to distressed Scotchman 1s
Sab. February 27th 3s 11p to ye Elder at Presbytry 1s 6p
Sab. March 6th 2s 11p to Grissell Forment 3s 4p
. . To Janet Maxwell 2s
Sab. March 13th 15s 3p to Margaret Reid 2s
Sab. March 20th 4s 1p to William Carland 1s
Sab. March 27th 4s 3p to ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
. 16s 3p Received from Mr. Traill .
. . To Mr. Robert Wilson and Mr.McCraken 4s
Sab. April 3rd 2s to James Kermont 1s 1p
Sab. April 10th 3s 10p to a poor Man by order of Presbytry 1s 1p
Sab. April 17th 3s 11p to Widow Anderson 8p
. . To Grissell Forment 2s
Sab. April 24th 5s 11p to Janet Maxwell 1s
Sab. May 1st 6s 5p to Margaret Reid 1s
Wednesday May 4th 17s 6p to Widow Delap 10p
Saturday May 7th £1.0.11 to Andrew McCalla 1s
Sab. May 8th £1.12.1 to Monthly Shillings 1s 1p
. . To Bread 6s 10p
Monday May 9th £1.2.7 to Wine £1.10.0
Sab. May 13th 3s 7p to ye Carriage 2s 6p
Sab. May 22nd. 4s 5p to ye Elder at last Presbytry 1s 6p
. . To Beer Brandy & Nesessaries 7s
Sab. June 5th 4s 10p to ye Comon Poor 1s 3p
Sab. June 19th 6s 4p to ye Saxton 2s
Sab. July 3rd 5s 4p to Monthly Shillings 1s 1p
. . To Janet Maxwell 2s
Sab. July 10th 3s 3p to Margaret Reid 1s 4p
Sab. July 17th 1s 10p to Grissel Forment 3s 4p
Sab. July 24th 3s 8p to Fraizer a poor man 6p
. . To James Kermont 1s
Wednesday July 27th 2s 9p to Widow Anderson 6p
. . to two Hinges 8p
. . to ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
. . to Grissell Forment 3s 4p
. . to James Kermont 1s
. . . To Margaret Reid 1s 11p
. . To Janet Maxwell 1s 4p
. . This day an account being settled with Alexander McClelland Box master and there appears to be in his hand of ye Poors Money the Sum of One Pound Thirteen Shillings & a halfpenny Sterling
Witnessed by John Anderson & Will Beatty
Sab. July 31st 4s 5p Disb. To last May Rent 15s 6p
Sab. August 7th 3s 9p to Widow Anderson 6p
Sab. August 14th 4s 5p to Janet McKee 6p
Sab. August 21st 19s 7p to ye Elder at ye Synod 6s
. . To Hook & Hinges 7p
Sab. August 28th 3s 7p to Grissell Forment 4s 5p
Sab. September 4th 3s 8p to Janet Maxwell 2s
. . To two poor Men 8p
Sab. September 11th 3s 10p to ye Buriall of Robert Reid 2s 5p
Sab. September 18th 11s 1p to Margaret Reid 2s
Sab. September 25th 4s 2p to Widow Anderson 6p
. . To James Kermont 1s
Sab. October 2nd 5s to ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
Wednesday October 5th 15s 8p to Old John Drake 2s 2p
Saturday October 8th £1.1.6 to William Carland 1s
Sab. October 9th £1.4.1 to mending Tongs 3p
Monday October 10th 19s to Janet Maxwel 1s
. . To Margaret Reid 8p
Sab. October 16th 3s 4p to Mrs. Boyd 5s 5p
. . To ye Clerk of ye Synods Committee 1s
Wednesday October 26th . to Mr. Hollom Probationer 10s
. . This day Accounts being Stated with Alexander McClelland Box Master and found in his hand of ye Poors Money One Pound Four Shillings Sterling. Witnessed by Will Ffayries & Robert Robison 6p
. . to Widow Douglas 6p
. . to Monthly Shillings 4s
. . to ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
. . to Robert McClelland 2s
. . To William Riddle 4p
. . To William Kennedy 8p
. . to Fool Dick 2p
. . to Ribs for Meeting House 8s
Sab. November 6th 4s 7p to Grissell Forment 3s 1p
. . To Margaret Reid 1s 10p
Sab. November 13th £1.1.4 to Janet Maxwell 1s 6p
Sab. November 20th 3s 4p to Cormak McCaugherty 1s 1p
Sab. November 27th 3s To James Forment 1s
Sab. December 4th 3s 5p to last Allsaints Rent 15s 6p
Sab. December 11th 1s 4p to two poor People 7p
. . To ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
Sab. December 18th 4s 3p to William Donaldson 6p
Sab. December 25th 2s 4p to Bryan Kelly 1s
. . To Thomas Williamson 1s
. . To ye Comon Poor 3s 1p
. . To Widow Anderson 8p
. . To Janet Maxwell 1s 8p
. . To William Kennedy 8p
. . To Bread 9s
. . To Wine £2.3.4
. . To ye Carriage 2s 6p
. . To Beer Brandy & Nesassaries 8s 11p
. . To ye Saxton 1s 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 3s 4p
1727 Collections Disbursements Amount
Sab. January 1st 4s 4p Disb. To Janet Maxwell 1s 8p
. . To Bread 9s
Sab. January 8th 2s 1p to Gilbert Clark 1s 3p
. . To Wine £2
. . To Carriage 2s 6p
Sab. January 15th 2s 3p to ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
. . To Grissell Forment 8p
Sab. January 22nd 4s 2p to two Poor Persons 7p
. . To Janet Maxwell 4p
. . To Beer Brandy & Nesessaries 8s
. . To John Dunn 1s
Sab. January 29th 3s 3p to a Poor Man 1s
. . To ye Comon Poor 1s
Sab. February 5th 3s 9p to James Kermont 1s
. . To George Jameson 6s
. . To two Poor Men 10p
Sab. February 12th 3s 7p to Widow Anderson 6p
. . To ye Saxton 2s 4p
. . To William Calwall 6p
Sab. February 19th 3s 1p to Hugh Thompson 8p
. . To an Iron band for ye Collar beam 1s 1p
. . To ye Elder at ye General Synod 17s
Sab. February 26th 3s 8p to ye Clerk of ye Synod 1s
. . To Will Kennedy 6p
. . To Margaret Reid 1s
Sab. March 5th 4s 1p to Paper 7p
. . To Grissell Forment 1s 4p
. . to Janet Maxwell 8p
. . to Margaret Reid 1s
. 4s 3p Received from Andrew Barnet For ye More Cloth .
Sab. March 12th 18s 7p to Widow Anderson 8p
. . To a Poor Man 2p
Sab. March 19th 2s 11p to one Pringle by order of Synod 2s 6p
Sab. March 26t 4s 3p to Grissell Forment 8p
Sab. April 2nd 52 2p to Janet Maxwell 4p
. . To Widow Anderson 4p
Sab. April 9th 3s 3p to Ribs for ye Meeting House 9s 4p
Sab. April 16th 3s 6p to ye Clerk of ye Presbytry 5s
. . To ye Elder at Presbytry 2s 9p
Sab. April 23rd 3s 5p To Grissell Forment 8p
Sab. April 30th 4s to Jannet Maxwell 4p
Sab. May 7th 4s 3p Disb. to Margaret Reid 8p
. . To James Kermont 1s
Wednesday May 10th 15s 10p to William Kennedy 6p
Saturday May 13t £1.0.1 to a Poor Woman 2p
Sab. May 14th £1.1.2 to Grissell Forment 2s
. . To Janet Maxwell 1s 4p
Monday May 15th 18s 2p to Margaret Reid 1s 4p
Sab. May 21st 2s 2p To Widow Anderson 4p
Sab. May 28th 5s 5p to a Distressed Minister 4s
. . To last May Rent 15s 6p
. . To Widow Kirkpatrick 1s
Sab. June 4th 4s 1p to Grissell Forment 2s 8p
June 15th. . to Janet Maxwell 1s 4p
. . to Margaret Reid 1s 4p
. . to James Kermont 1s
. . to Gilbert Clerk 9s
. . To Elder at Presbytry 1s 6p
. . To Thomas Barkly 10s
. . to mending Glass 2s 2p
. . This day Accounts being Stated with Alexander McClelland, Box Master & finds in his hand of ye Poors Money One Pound Fourteen Shillings & five Pence. Witnessed by Will Ffayries .
. . To Margaret Makown 4p
Sab. June 18th 4s 2p Disb. To James Aken for Work 4p
. . To Robert _____ for Work 8p
Sab. July 2nd 3s 11p to Hugh Murdogh for Ribs 2s 8p
. . to two Poor People by Brief 9p
. . Since August 1725 payed of Monthly Shillings 12s 2p
. . to Grissell Forment 4s
. . To William Kenedy 1s
. . To James Kermont 1s 6p
. . To Margaret Reid 1s 4p
. . To Robert McClelland 1s 1p
. . To a Poor Man from Lisburn 1s 1p
.. . To Widow Anderson 10p
. . To two Poor people 5p
. . To a poor Scholler 1s
Sab. July 9th 3s 5p to George Jameson 10p
Sab. July 16th 4s 11p to ye Elder at Synod 6s
. . to Grissell Forment 3s 9p
. . to Janet Maxwell 1s 7p
. . To Margaret Reid 1s 7p
. . This day Robert Robinson is Appointed Box Master in room Of Alexander McClelland .
. . To two poor People 7p
Sab. July 30th 4s 7p to George Jameson 6p
Sab. August 6th 3s 4p to Cords for ye Windows 9p
. . To John Simson 2s
Sab. August 13th 3s 6p to ye Clerk of ye Synod 2s 11p
Sab. August 20th 2s 6p to Grissell Forment 2s 4p
. . To George Jameson 1s
Sab. August 27th 3s 7p to Margaret Reid 1s 1p
Sab. September 3rd 3s 6p Disb. To Janet Maxwell 1s
Sab. September 10th 2s 5p to Widow Anderson 4p
. . To three Poor People 1s
Sab. September 17th 4s 1p to Rob: _____ in Work 10p
. . to John Morrison for Work 10p
.. . to Hugh Murdough for Work 10p
. . Paid to ye Box Master by William Beatty 2s 9p
. . To James Kermont 6p
Sab. September 24th 17s 7p to Grissell Forment 1s 4p
Sab. October 1st 4s 8p to Margaret Reid 1s
Wednesday October 5th 14s 7p to Janet Maxwell 1s
. . To George Jameson 9p
Saturday (October 8th ) 17s 9p to Robert McClelland 2s 9p
Sab. (October 9th) £1.9.7 to James Kermont 1s
Monday (October 10th) 14s 2p to Monthly Shillings 6s
Sab. October 15th 3s 5p to ye Congregation of Dromore


.. . To ye Elder at Presbytry 2s 4p
. . to last Allsaints Rent 15s 6p
. . to two Solgers 6p
. . Paid to ye Box master by Alexander McClelland 4s 10p
. . To two Poor people 5p
Sab. October 29th 2s 10p to ye Elder at Presbytry 1s 6p
. . To one Donaldson 4p
Sab. November 5th 4s 4p to Grissell Forment 2s 4p
Sab. November 12th £3.2.8 to Janet Maxwell 1s
. . to Marget Reid 1s
. . to George Jameson 1s 3p
Sab. November 19th 6s 6p to Widow Reid 1s
Sab. November 26th 3s 10p to James Kermont 1s
. . To Robert McClelland 1s 10p
. . To Elizabeth Delap 10p
Sab. December 10th 2s 8p to Drawing ye Presbytry Minert 6p
Sab. December 17th 8p to William Kennedy 1s
. . To James Murphy 2s 6p
Sab. December 24th 3s 9p to Widow Robinson 1s
Sab. December 31st 2s 7p to three poor people 3p
. . To Mary Taylor 1s 5p
. . To Grisel Forment 1s 2p
. . To Margaret Reid 9p
. . To ye Elder at Presbytry 1s 6p
. . To George Jameson 6p
. . To Janet Maxwell 9p
. . To James Kermont 1s
.. . To Ribs for ye Meeting House 2s 6p
. . To Bread 12s
. . To Wine £2
. . To ye Comon Poor 1s
. . To Carrying ye Elements 2s 6p
. . To Beer Brandy & Nessarys 8s 6p
. . To a Lock & mending Rinlets 1s
. . To Cormik Macagherty 6p
. . To ye Saxton 1s 1p
. . To Will Kennedy 6p
. . To Public Expense 6p
. . To one Mr. Whyte 8p
. . To Grisel Forment 1s
. . To Andrew Jameson 11p
1728 Collections Disbursements Amount

Sab. January 7th

2s 10p Disb. To Robert Poag 1s 8p
Sab. January 14th 1s 9p to Margaret Reid 9p
Sab. January 21st 3s 3p to Sam Alexander 2s 6p
Sab. January 28th 2s to George Jameson 1s
.. . To Robert McClelland 1s
Sab. February 4th 4s 2p to James Kermont 1s
Sab. February 11th 3s 8p to Turf 4p
Sab. February 18th 3s 11p to Grisell Forment 1s 9p
. . To ye Elder at ye Presbytry 6p
Sab. February 25th 1s 8p to Margaret Reid 9p
. . To Janet Maxwell 6p
. . to George Jameson 9p
. 12s Received from Mr. Traill For Interest .
. . to Robert McClelland 1s
. . Mr. Adam's Seat is to be Sould to James Kermont
And delivered the price to ye to Hugh Murdogh for Seats


. . Box Master to William Kennedy 1s
Sab. March 3rd 2s 10p to ye Elder at ye Synod 13s 2p
. . To Mr. Murdogh 2s 2p
Sab. March 10th 2s 5p to Mrs. Tomb 1s 6p
Sab, March 17th 3s 2p to Widow Anderson 6p
Sab. March 24th 17s 2p to Grisel Forment 2s 1p
. . To Margaret Reid 1s 3p
Sab. March 31st 5s 2p to George Jameson 1s 3p
Sab. Aprile 7th 3s 3p to Old John Drake 1s
. . To Widow Robinson 1s
Sab. Aprile 14th 3s 6p to ye Elder at Presbytry 2s 2p
Sab. Aprile 21st 3s 5p to Robert McClelland 1s 6p
Sab. Aprile 28th 4s to James Kermont 1s
. . To Mrs. McCracken 1s 1p
Sab. May 5th 3s 4p to Janet Maxwel 6p
. . To two poor Men 4p
. . To Grisel Forment 2s 11p
.. . To George Jameson 1s 3p
. . To Margaret Reid 1s 3p
. . To Janet Maxwell 9p
. . To John Drake 8p
. . To James Kermont 2s
. . To Robert McClelland 2s
. . To Sam McClelland for Work 5s 5p
. . To last May Rent 15s 6p
. . To ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
. . To two Poor People 4p
. . To one Nicholas Woods 8p
. . To one Hamilton 1s
Wednesday May 8th 14s 6p Disb. to Bread 10s 6p
. . To Wine £2.3.4
Saturday May 11th 19s to Carriage 2s
Sab. May 12th £1.9.6 to Beer Brandy & Nesesarys 6s 6p
Monday May 13th 13s to Mr. Dalrimple, Probationer 5s 5p
Sab. May (19th) 3s 5p to ye Saxton 1s 6p
Sab. May 26th 2s 10p to Will Kenedy 1s
. . To ye Comon Poor 7p
Sab. June 2nd 4s 7p to Francis Beatty for Straw 4s
Sab. June 9th 3s 3p to Paper 3p
Sab. June 16th 14s 7p to ye Clerk of ye Presbytry 5s
. . To ye Elder at ye Presbytry 1s 6p
Sab. June 23rd 2s 2p to Grisel Forment 2s 4p
Sab. June 30th 4s 10p to Margaret Reid 9p
July 4th . to Widow Anderson 6p
. . to George Jameson 9p
. . to Robert McClelland 1s 1p
. . to Mary Taylor 6p
. .. To Francis Beatty for Straw 17s 11p
. . to Robert Arnet for Work 2s
. . to Thatching 12s
. . to Labourers 11s
. . Accounts being Stated with Robert Robinson Box Master now finds in his hand of ye Poors Money One pound Seven Shillings and Three Pence. Witnessed by Will Beatty & Alexander McClelland  
Sab. July 7th 3s 11p To Scollabs 2s 9p
Sab. July 14th 3s to Hugh Murdogh for Timber 8s
Sab. July 28th 2s 7p to Alex Mailwood for Straw 2s 6p
. . To Suporting ye Principal 1s 11p
Sab. August 11th 3s 10p to Grisel Forment 1s 9p
Sab. August 18th 3s 3p to Janet Maxwell 9p
.. . To George Jameson 9p
Sab. August 25th 3s 3p to John Drake 7p
Sab. September 1st 3s 2p to James Kermont 1s
. . To Robert McClelland 1s
. . To ye loss of Raps 8p
. . To Daniel McFerson 1s 1p
. . To Grisel Forment 2s 11p
. . To Janet Maxwell 1s
. . To George Jameson 1s
. . To Margaret Reid 1s 3p
. . To Widow McClemont 8p
. . To loss of Raps 1s
. . To Robert McClelland 1s
. . To Samwel Wall 6p
. . To Mary Taylor 8p
. . To James Kirkpatrick 1s 3p
. . To James Forment 1s
Sab. September 8th 3s 6p Disb. To one Pringle 2s 6p
Sab. September 15th 15s 9p to Ribs for Meeting House 9s 9p
Sab. September 29th 3s 2p to Grisell Forment 4s
Sab. October 6th 3s 11p to Janet Maxwell 2s
. . To Widow Anderson 8p
Wednesday October 9th 18s 6p to ye Clerk of ye Presbytry 2s 9p
Saturday October 12th 19s 3p to Margaret Reid 2s
ab. October 13th £1.9.0 to James Forment 1s
Monday October 14th 16s to Will Kenedy 6p
. . To a distressed Minister 4s
Sab. October 20th 3s 2p to last May Rent 15s 6p
Sab. October 27th 3s 1p to poor people 4p
Sab. November 3rd 3s 2p to ye Elder last Synod 6s
. . To Jane Darcy 8p
November 6th . to Margaret Reid 1s 6p
. . to Janet Maxwell 1s
. . to George Jameson 1s 6p
. . to Grisell Forment 2s 11p
. . to James Kirkpatrick 1s 1p
. . to John Delap 1s 1p
. . to Will Kenedy 1s
. . to James Kermont 1s
. . to Robert McClelland 1s
. . To Widow Macliment 1s
. . to James Huey 6p
. . this day Accounts being Stated with Robert Robinson , Box Master now finds in his hand of ye Poors Money ye Sum of One pound Eleven Shillingsand a penny Sterling.Witnessed by Mr. Macalpine , Will Ffayries and Alex McClelland .
. . To Mr. Macalpine for Mr. Adams 5s
Sab. November 10th 4s 6p to loss of Raps 1s 4p
Sab. November 17th 3s 2p to James Kirkpatrick 8p
. . For ye Morcloth to ye Elder at Presbytry 1s 6p
. . from William Cloaky 1s 6p
. . to Grisell Forment 3s 6p
. . John Montgomery 1s 6p
. . to Janet Maxwell 1s
. . William Scott 1s 6p
. . to Mary Taylor 6p
. . to Robert McClelland 3s 1p
Sab. November 24th 3s to Margaret Reid 1s 3p
Sab. December 1st 2s 11p to James Kermont 1s
. 1s 6p From John Todd for ye cloth .
. . to Widow Macliment 8p
. . James McCamont 9p
. . to Will Kenedy 5s 8p
. . to ye Comon Poor 9p
Sab. December 8th 4s 1p Disb. To Cormik Macagherty 1s
. . To Grisel Forment 1s 2p
Sab, December 15th 12s 5p to Robert McClelland 1s
Sab. December 22nd 3s 4p to James Kermont 1s
Sab. December 29th 3s 2p to William Shaw 7p
. 1s 6p From David Watson for ye cloth .
. . to fool Dick McMoran 2p
. . To James Kermont 1s
. . To Grisell Forment 1s 2p

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transcribed by Julian Armstrong