Historical Accounts of the Presbyterian Congregations
of Ballynahinch,
Dromara, Kilmore
and Drumcaw now Clough,
all in the County of Down, Ireland, with a transcript from the original
Registers of the Congregation of Ballynahinch from the 21st August 1696
to 1734.
By the late John Strong Armstrong of 31 Eccles St. Dublin and of Ballynahinch,
Co. Down. Transcribed by Julian Armstrong 2004
The initial draft of the Parish Histories was written 1st. June 1822
by JSA's elder brother the Revd. Dr. James Armstrong & completed
by JSA over the next ten years, c.1832. The transcription from the original
Registers of Ballynahinch was completed by him probably about the same
time, and was checked and verified by the Revd. Dr. James
Historical Account of the Presbyterian Congregation of Ballynahinch,
County Down, Ireland
Congregation of Ballynahinch, County of Down
The Congregation of Ballynahinch, now under the care of the newly
erected presbytry of Down, but formerly and originally under the care
of the Ancient presbytry of Down, then of Bangor, Killyleagh, and Dromore.
The Parishes in which the members of the Congregation reside Magheradroll,
principally; and surrounding parishes of Magherahamlet, Dromara, Annahilt,
Kilmore, and Loughinisland.
In the plantation of Ulster in the reign of James the first, many
families from Scotland emigrated to this parish; and having settled
therein, formed the first Congregation of Protestants that were ever
assembled within its bounds. There is a tradition that the old Church
of Magheradroll (the venerable walls of which are yet standing) was
built for their accommodation, and that, for many years after the erection,
the religious service performed in it was according to the Presbyterian
form of the Church of Scotland. The foundation of this Church was laid
in the year 1607. It is also handed down by the same secured to the
Ministers of the Scotch Settlements in Ulster, at that
early time, when the great object of Government was to strengthen the
British and Protestant interest in this Kingdom. Of this original settlement
no record remains. The congregation was broken up in the Irish Rebellion
of 1641; and the greater number of the Presbyterian families fled for
refuge to Scotland. After an interruption of several years, the rebellion
being quelled, and tranquility restored in Ulster, the Scotch settlers
ventured gradually to return to their habitations. The congregation
of Ballynahinch was then revived.The first place of worship used by
them after their return was a large Malt Kiln, in which they held their
religious service, about the year 1648. After having been accommodated
in this temporary building for a few years, they erected a commodious
meeting house. In this meeting house the successive generations of the
congregation assembled for worship upwards of a century; when, the roof
(which was thatched) falling into decay, it became necessary to erect
a new place of worship. Accordingly, in the year 1751, the present meeting
house was built, as appears from an inscription on a stone on the front
wall thereof) during the Ministry of the Revd John Strong.
The Presbyterian names in this parish and neighbourhood are
very numerous; among them may be enumerated as original settlers,
A. Armstrong, Ashmore, Arnott, Aberneathy, Anderson, Alexander,
Adinson, Ard, Abbot, Atkinson, Adair, Adams, Aiken, Allen, Allison
B. Blakely, Barnett, Barkly, Barr, Black, Bell, Balie, Beatty,
Billandsly, Burges, Brown, Boyd, Blan, Bole, Burns, Burrel, Barret,
Baxter, Brownlee, Brice, Boomer, Blackwell, Borthwick, Biggum,
C. Campbell, Cumming, Curry, Carlisle, Craig, Cherry, Coutler,
Cleland, Coals, Croskery, Cook, Clokey, Cain, Chambers, Copeland, Chapman,
Carson, Carothers, Carmichael, Coghran, Chancellor, Crawford, Clark,
Corbit, Crooks, Cullum, Cromey, Castles, Cully
D. Dickson, Davidson, Donaldson, Dunwoody, Dobbin, Davis, Dunshee,
Dunlap, Dunbar, Dunn, Douglas, Delapp, Dawson, Doak, Delphart, Duke,
Dalzell, Donaldson, Duncan
E. Elliot, Ewart, Espey, Edinson, Ellison, Edgar, Edmunson
F. Ferris, Farquhar, Fallon, Formon, Frame, Ferguson, Forsyth,
Fluke, Forbus, Frizell, Falls, Finlay, Fisher, Fleming, Fletcher, Forster
G. Graham, Gordon, Gray, Galloway, Gillespy, Gibson, Guttery,
Gourley, Groves, Grant, Greer, Garmony, Gough, Gamble, Gardner, Garrett,
Gelston, George, Gill, Gilmore, Gore, Gilcreist
H. Hamilton, Hanna, Harrison, Hill, Harpur, Howard, Humphreys,
Haliday, Hazlett, Henderson, Herron, Harris, Hunter, Henry, Hughes,
Hughey, Haig, Heslip, Hawthorn, Huey, Holmes, Haselton, Hay, Hudson,
Hopes, Hutton, Houston, Home, Hogg, Hare
I. Ireland, Irwin
J. Johnston, Jardin, Jelly, Joy, Joyce, Jamison, Jackson, Jones,
K. Kirkpatrick, Kinley, Knox, Kennedy, Kubbige, Kingon, Kells,
Kearns, Kinder, Kelsey, Kid, Kooney, Kewn, Kinner, Kerr, Kincaid, King,
Kinsley Kirk, Kyle, Keller, Kendrick, Kernahan, Kirkwood
L. Livingston, Lawson, Lyons, Lewis, Lumon, Lighbody, Long, Lamb,
Leiper, Little, Lowery, Lackey, Logan, Laird, Lawder, Lee, Leslie,
Linsey, Louther, Lunn
M. Martin, Mackay, Morrison, Macoubrey, Matteu, Mack, Milligan,
Murdough, Miller, Mason, Morrow, Magee, Montgomery, Moore, Mitchell,
Melvill, Moss, Morton, Mulligan, Maxwell, Mathews, Malcomson, Mature,
Malcom, Marshall, Mahary, Magill, Macrory, Maffett, Manders, Manson,
Masterson, May, Mayers, Mayne, Mercer, Merdith, Mickle, Middleton, Moody,
Moorhead, Morewood, Morris, Mulhallon, Moulds, Murland, Munrow, Macloud,
McClelland, McRobert, McMurray, McIlveen, McCormick, McCaw, McIlwroth,
McBirney, McConnell, McIlwain, McKelvey, McDowel, McKie, McMurrin, McClury,
McNamara, McWhinney, McCadam, McComb, McNeight,
McKinzey, McKibbin, McCloud, McMaster, McCance, McJury, McCauley, McCammon,
McPherson, McNeilly, McCutcheon, McGibbon, McClatchey, McCracken, McCaldine,
McMullon, McClean, McClinchy, McCullum, McMillin, McDougal, McCluney,
McQueen, McMahon, McBride, McChestney, McBrutiny, McKeag, McAlpine,
McCalla, McCaul, McClure, McCrea, McCreery, McCullough, McEwin, McGowan,
McKinstry, McQuay, McWilliam, McKean, McFarlane, McKibrick, McMinn,
N. Nixon, Newal, Nugent, Neilson, Nevin, Nesbitt, Nicholson,
Norton, Norwood, Norris, Nicko
O. Oliver, Oswald, Osburn, Ogle, O'Neil, Ogleby, Ormsby, Orr,
Owens, Oxley, Overend
P. Priestly, Palmer, Peebles, Phillips, Patterson, Pollock, Paxton,
Purday, Pool, Parker, Pilson, Poag, Porter, Pettycrew, Potter, Parkinson,
Parry, Patten, Pepper, Peterson, Power, Priteherd, Proctor
Q. Quin, Quail, Quirk
R. Rupel, Ringland, Rea, Rogers, Robb, Rutherford, Raney, Reid,
Robinson, Richards, Ramsay, Rankin, Riddick, Reside, Rickey, Riddle,
Roberts, Rider, Ross, Rowley, Rule, Richison, Rankin
S. Smyth, Stephenson, Simpson, Stewart, Skelly, Saintclair, Stitt,
Strong, Shaw, Stranaghan, Smiley, Shanks, Smith, Small, Swandle, Sloan,
Steed, Spence, Snowdon, Spear, Sampson, Saunders, Saul, Savage, Sayers,
Scott, Searight, Seaton, Semple, Seed, Shannon, Sharply, Sheills,
Singer, Sinnott, Summervill, Sparks, Steele, Studdard, Sterling, Sturgeon,
Swan, Swords, Symes, Stratton, Stirling
T. Trimble, Thompson, Tate, Tannihill, Taylor, Tweedy, Turner,
Todd, Trail, Tagart, Telford, Templeton, Tennant, Thom, Thornton, Trotter,
Twigg, Trousdell, Trevor, Todhunter
W Williamson, Wallace, Waddell, Waugh, Warnock, Wilson, Witherspoon,
Wason, Woods, Wall, Walker, Warring, Watson, West, Withers, Whyte, Warnsley,
Welshe, Ward, Watt, Webb, Weir, Wightman, Wray, Wright, Wylie,
Wise, Williams, Whilly, Walkington, Winter
Y Young, Yeats
Though there has been a continued drain from the Congregation, of emigrants
to the United States of America, & Canada, and though a considerable
portion of the members were induced to form themselves into a separate
Congregation of Seceding Presbyterians, about the year 1755, the number
of persons in communion still continues highly respectable.The Congregation
consists of about eight hundred families, of those, five hundred families
have regular sittings in the meeting house, and pay a Stipend.The number
of Communicants are from five hundred. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
is administered twice a year.There are no Funds or permanent property
of the Congregation, except the Meeting house and a small piece of ground
enclosed around it. This was granted to the Congregation by the late
Right Honorable John Earl of Moira, a lease for 41 years, made out to
Mr William Reed of Magheradroll, as trustee for the Congregation dated
26th September 1750 at one Shilling yearly Tent. This lease having expired
in the year 1791, the Congregation have remained in the undisputed or
disturbed possession of the Meeting house, and adjacent premises ever
since, and have now a clearly established right of possession to the
The amount of yearly Stipend is about eighty five pounds which is a
rent-charge on the sittings or seats in the Meeting house and is collected
in the ordinary way. There is no mans or glebe for the minister, or
any donation or Congregational fund: So that his support depends on
the yearly Stipend, and on the Royal Bounty, which is on the highest
Class.Of the succession of Ministers previous to the Irish Rebellion
in 1641 there is no record. It is known, however, that the Congregation
was frequently edified by the occasional preaching and other pious labours
of the Revd John Livingston of Killinchy
in the year 1630. To the zeal and ability of this eminent servant of
Christ, the Presbyterian interest in the County of Down was greatly
indebted, in the time of persecution his integrity and constancy were
Of the succession of Ministers previous to the Irish
Rebellion in 1641 there is no record. It is known, however, that the
Congregation was frequently edified by the occasional preaching and
other pious labours of the Revd John Livingston of Killinchy
in the year 1630. To the zeal and ability of this eminent servant of
Christ, the Presbyterian interest in the County of Down was greatly
indebted, in the time of persecution his integrity and constancy were
conspicuous. After his removal from Killinchy to a Congregation in the
west of Scotland, instances have been known wherein above five hundred
persons, male and female, have crossed over from the County Down to
attend his Sacramental services in Stranraer. Great numbers from the
Congregation of Ballynahinch used to join these pious expeditions. John
Livingston was the son of the Revd William Livingston, and grandson
of the Revd Alexander Livingston both of whom were ministers
of Moneybrook or Kilsyth in Stirlingshire.
The father of Alexander Livingston was the son of Lord Livingston,
afterwards Earl of Linlithgow. He was killed in the Battle of Pinkiefield
in the year 1547. William Livingston suffered severely in the persecuting
times, for his attachment to Presbyterianism. He was called from Kilsyth
to be minister of Lanark, where he died in the year 1641. (Note by the
typist: Here is a capital A joined to a capital E, as in a monogram,
followed by the number 65. The significance of this is unclear). His
son John filled most important Offices in the Church of Scotland, and
was one of the three Commissioners appointed to make a treaty with King
Charles the IInd at Breda in the year 1649. And afterwards to arrange
matters with Oliver Cromwell in the year 1654, on which occasion he
was sent for by the Protector himself to London. After the restoration
of Charles the IInd, Episcopacy being forced upon Scotland, John Livingston
was driven from his parish, and went to Holland, where he died at Rotterdam
in the year 1672. The Livingston family being descended from the Earls
of Linlithgow, were connected by blood with many noble families viz
The Earls of Wigton, the Earls of Eglinton, and the Earls of Monteith.
A descendant of the latter Lady Rawdon, mother of the first Earl of
Moira, by her interest procured a lucrative situation in the (Note by
typist: looks like "revinue") for her relative Matthew Livingston,
brother of Henry Livingston the third minister of Ballynahinch, which
situation this conscientious man declined, because he would not violate
his principles by qualifying in the Episcopal church according to regulations
of the Test Act then in force. An instance of high minded integrity
that deserves to be recorded, because it is unhappily very rare. His
an additional honor to the memory of this worthy man that he was in
circumstances of pecuniary embarrassment, when he afforded this noble
instance of unflinching integrity and resistance to temptation.
Immediately after the rebellion in 1641, many of the scattered Presbyterian
flocks in Ulster being destitute of Pastors, Mr Livingston visited the
Counties of Down and Antrim to inquire into the state of religion, to
minister and animate the drooping spirits of the people, and to dispense
to them the word of life.He took especial care and frequent supplies
of able and zealous Ministers from Scotland, among whom his friend Revd
Michael Bruce of Killinchy, and his son /nephew the Revd Henry
Livingston were the most distinguished.
The photograph is from a portrait of Revd HenryLivingstone
by Jamieson of Edinburgh, at present in the possession of his
descendant Johnston Livingstone Esqre of Calendar House Tivoli
New York USA. Revd John Livingstone was born 1603, banished to
Rotterdam 1663 and died there 9th August 1673.
 |
Rev. Henry Livingstone |
This Henry Livingston was the first stated Minister of Ballynahinch
after the year 1641. He supplied the congregations of Drumbo, Ballynahinch,
and Drumcaw, (Clough). To this most laborious Office he was ordained
in the year 1655; and he discharged its duties for the space of 42 years
with great diligence and fidelity. He died in the year 1697, and was
interred in the burial ground of Drumbo Meetinghouse.
The following epitaph is inscribed on his tombstone.
"Here rests in the Lord, the body of that faithful and eminent
of Christ, The Revd Henry Livingston, who, after 42 years labour
in the
Ministry of the Gospel in this place, did enter into the joy of his
on the 7th April 1697, and of his age the 66th year".
In the month of June 1657, Sir George Rawdon was sent on a
Sunday from the Garrison of Lisburn with a Troop of Horse to Drumbo
for the purpose of preventing Mr Livingston preaching, and to disperse
the Congregation. On his removal Mr Livingston told him that he would
serve God rather than Man, being a Minister of Christ & his Gospel.
Sir George and his troopers then retired as they came.
"Mista sagax, viri columen vindexque virendus,
"Hic recubut ceatus Deicus eximium;
"Cui morum probilus que, fides cui candor et ordor
"Coelestis, sairi summa vis loque.
"Mutta dies taceat famam; nomenquii beatum
"Atemum fruget, -- queis redolet pietas."
(Typist's note: With apologies to anyone with better knowledge of Latin
than I, if I have misread any part of this entry!)
Here lieth mingled with his Congregation the scientific and revered
supporter and defender of truth, for the Glory and honor of Almighty
God, every day of his life witnessed integrity of conduct and fidelity
that powerful torrent of graceful delivery bore testimony of his heavenly
sincerity and fervency of devotion. His piety will forever
reflect honor on his blessed character and name. Amen
The Revd Henry Livingston died without leaving any other issue
but his son Henry, who became the minister of the Congregation of Ballynahinch.
His niece Anne Livingston, daughter of his brother William
Livingston who settled in Lisburn, was married in 1701 to David
Whyte Esqr of Ballymaglave, then the most opulent and respectable
resident Gentleman of the parish.
The family of Mr Whyte had distinguish for their zeal in the cause of
King William; his father Hugh Whyte Esqr of Releagh and his neighbour
Mr Trail of Drummaticonnor were for the cause Attainted by the
Parliament of King James in the year 1689.By his wife Anne Livingston
he had several children, of whom his daughter Anne was afterwards married
to the Revd John Strong, minister of this Congregation.
The Revd Henry Livingstone was succeeded in the pastoral charge
of this Congregation by the Revd William Reid, who was minister
for eleven years, from 1697 to 1708. He was brother of the Revd James
Reid of Killinchy.
William Reid was cut off in the midst of his usefulness at an
early age and was succeeded by the Revd Henry Livingston (son
of our former minister Revd Henry Livingston of Drumbo). He was
ordained on Tuesday 25th day of April 1704, as assistant and successor
to Mr Reid who died 7th May 1708.
He was a man of great learning, piety and talents. He received his
education at the Presbyterian Seminary then established at Killyleagh;
and his proficiency did great honor to that establishment or Institution.
He adorned his profession eleven years and was removed to a better World
in the year 1710. His remains were interred in the family burial place
in the graveyard Drumbo. After the death of Mr Livingston the Congregation
continued vacant for three years; being however occasionally supplied
by the following placed Ministers from neighbouring Congregations viz
Revd Mr Seaton - Revd Thos Orr - Revd Archd Dickson - Revd Thos Nevin
- Revd James Bruce - Revd Mr Ramsay- Revd Alexander Colvill.
At length on the breaking up of the Presbyterian Seminary of Killyleagh
the Revd James McAlpine, who had been for several years the principal
conductor of that institution, was called to be the Minister of Ballynahinch.
Ordained to the pastoral charge on Wednesday the 31st March 1713. He
died in the Ministry on the 27th October 1732, greatly loved and lamented
by his peopleHe did not leave any Issue, having had but one son who
died at the University before his father's decease. Mr McAlpine
was interred within the Old Church of Magheradroll.
The Revd Alexander McClain succeeded Mr McAlpine. Mr McClain
was Ordained by the Presbytry of Killyleagh on the 18th day of August
1735. He was a member of a very distinguish(ed) Presbyterian family
whose character he ably supported. His father was Minister of Market
Hill, County Armagh. He was an eminent Minister of the Church of Scotland
where he suffered severely for his attachment to Presbyterianism in
the persecuting times during the reign of Charles the Second.He was
offered a Bishoprick and =A3200 per Ano to be settled on his family
if he would conform, which bribe he nobly refused, preferring poverty
with a good conscience. He removed to Ireland where he became the Minister
of Markethill as above. He had three sons, all Ministers of whom Thomas
was settled in Monaghan, Archibold in Banbridge, and the third Alexander
in Ballynahinch.
While Mr McClain resided at Ballynahinch, he superintended the
education of his nephew Archibold McClain the son of his brother
the Minister of Monaghan. This nephew was afterwards the celebrated
Doctor McClain of the Hague, the learned translator of Moseheim's ecclesiastical
History, and it is a distinction of which this Congregation is not a
little proud, that this man received his early education amongst them,
Revd Alexander McClain having received an unanimous Call to the
Congregation of Antrim in the year 1742. He was married to the daughter
of the Revd John Abernathy, Minister of Wood Street (now Strand
Street) in the City of Dublin.
The Revd John Strong succeeded Mr McClain. He was born
in the year 1720 and was a native of Ballywany in the County of Antrim
and of the parish of Killraghts, and was licenced by the Presbytry of
Route. He was ordained to the charge of the Congregation of Ballynahinch
by the Presbytry of Killyleigh on the 10th October in the year 1744.
During his Ministry the present Meeting house was erected in 1751. He
married (as before mentioned) Anne Whyte daughter of David Whyte
Esqr, descended by the mothers side from the family of Livingstone.
By her he left issue two daughters. The Revd James Armstrong, D.D.,
late Minister of Strand Street Congregation Dublin, was his grandson.
During his Ministry, which lasted 36 years, Mr Strong fulfilled his
duties both to his own congregation, and to the general Presbyterian
Church, with great reputation.He was one of the first who devised and
set on foot the Widow's fund; and in the year in which he was Moderator
of the Synod of Ulster at Lurgan 30th June 1773, his two meetings of
that Body were assembled to carry out that most beneficial plan into
effect - the second meeting at Magherafelt on the 2nd February 1773.
Thanks of the Synod was returned to him for his exertions in this Business,
as appears by the minister of the Widows fund.
Though a man of the most gentle disposition and peaceable habits, he
was twice during his ministry under the necessity of assuming a sort
of Military command, and in his Congregation; - first in the year 1745
during the rebellion in Scotland, when he headed an armed association
of the young men in his Congregation, to support the House of Hanover,
and to resist the exertions made for the Pretender; - secondly in the
year 1760, when he marched at the head of a large body of his people
to Belfast, to oppose the progress of the French troops who had landed
at Carrickfergus.Mr Strong was indefatigable in discharge of his duties
as a Pastor in catechising, examining, and in parochial visitations,
and though, on these occasions, in the course of his ministry, he was
called to more lucrative situations, to Dublin Killyleigh, &c.,
he declined a change conceiving himself bound by an indissoluble tie
to the people among whom he had first settled.He composed many hundred
sermons, all of which he committed to memory. The greater part of his
valuable manuscripts and excellent theological library became the property
of his son-in-law Mr John Armstrong of Ballynahinch, and was
unfortunately destroyed in the burning of that town during the sanguinary
conflict that took place there in the insurrection in June 1798.
He died universally beloved and respected and regretted on the 10th
August 1780 in the 60th year of his age. His remains were interred in
the church of Magheradroll within the walls, in the grave of his predecessor
Mr McAlpine. His character is most justly though briefly summed
up in this short sentence inscribed on his tombstone: - "An Israelite
indeed in whom was no guile".
Soon after the death of Mr Strong, the Presbytry of Killyleigh
dissolved, and the Congregations which had been heretofore connected
with that Body attached themselves to other Presbytries.The breaking
up of this most respectable Presbytry of Killyleigh (which was formed
by the Synod of Ulster at Dungannon year 1725) was to be attributed
to the violence of one of its members (Doctr Little) and the passiveness
of the rest. This event occurred when this Congregation was vacant,
and was a subject of deep regret to all its most respectable members.
Revd John McLelland was the successor of Mr Strong. He was a
native of the parish of Magherally in the County of Down, and a Licenciate
of the Presbytry of Dromore, to which this congregation now belongs.
He was ordained 27th October 1783.He married Margaret Barnet
of Ballygherty near Saintfield who, by the mother's side, was descended
from the Whytes and Livingstons of this parish. He was immaculate as
to politicks and was always looked upon as a truly loyal man, during
the troublesome time of the rebellion in the year 1798.
He died March 5th 1818 in the 61st year of his age, and 35th of his
Ministry, leaving issue three sons and one daughter. He was buried in
the church yard of Magheradroll on the North side of the old church.The
Revd James McClelland, son of the Revd John McClelland,
was ordained assistant and eventual successor to his father on Tuesday
the 25th of August 1812: He died in the month of March 1839.(Typist's
note: At this point in the Historical Account is inserted, between the
pages, a [Typist's comment: - somewhat unctuous] letter addressed to
the Rt. Honble Earl of Moira from the Congregation of Ballynahinch which
reads as follows:-
"My Lord,The Congregation of Protestant Defenders of Ballynahinch,
fully impressed with a deep sense of gratitude, beg leave to express
their thankfulness to your Lordp for the favour conferred on them of
anticipating their wishes by an offer of renewal of the lease of their
Meeting House."
Your Lords attention to their interest in the terms required is also
fresh matter for calling forth their gratitude - terms which they
cannot but highly approve and sincerely comply with. They beg leave
therefore to assure your Lords that they will put the Meeting House
in thorough repair both outside and inside, and beautify the yard and
place about it agreeable to your Lords plan and devise.That your Lords
may long live to enjoy the complacency arising from a consciousness
of doing good in this world, and at a very distant period receive the
reward that awaits the Virtuous in the next is the prayer of your Lordps
most grateful people.
Signed by order of the Congregation assembled this 19th day of October
The Revd John Shaw, a native of the Parish of Saintfield in the
County of Down, and a licenciate of the Presbytry of Belfast, he was
ordained as the Minister of Ballinderry in the County of Antrim on the
___ day of ___ 18__ and was called to this Congregation as Assistant
and eventual successor to the Revd James McClelland. He was installed
by a committee of Synod on the 10th August 1831.
Elders of the Congregation of Ballynahinch on Mr Strong's coming in,
with their successors viz William Cummine, Saunders McClelland, William
Reid, David Rea, William Priestly, James Thompson, John Dobbin, James
Adinson, John Mason, Arthur Martin, Andrew Gray, John Martin, Samuel
Blakely, David McCance, John Thompson, David Adinson, Joseph Tannehill,
John Hanna, William Armstrong, William Smyth, Hugh Boyd, John Kingon.
During Revd John McClelland's Ministry:
James Chambers, Hans Thompson, William Johnston, John Patterson,
Sam Davies, Sam Kingon, Francis Johnston, David Watson, Jno Fulton,
James Dunwoody, John McClelland.Since the Congregation became connected
with the Presbytry of Dromore, the appointment of Elders has not been
so regular as formerly. In general there are nine, who are chosen from
the most respectable members of the Congregation.Shortly after the Revd
Jas. McClelland became the Minister, he ordained nine Elders viz:
Messrs William Davidson, John Strong Armstrong, John Smyth, John
McClelland, William Patterson, William Tannihill, James Armstrong, John
Kingon, James Priestley.
The only ancient record that now remains of this
Congregation is an old mutilated Session or early vestry-book lately
rescued from destruction, commencing in the year 1696, and ending in
the year 1734 (Typist's note: this is the book from which John Strong
Armstrong made a handwritten copy checked for accuracy by his elder
brother the Revd James Armstrong of Strand Street, Dublin. It is from
this handwritten copy that this copy is typed [it has also been microfiched].
The original register still exists but it has largely disintegrated
and is unuseable. When undertaking the copying of the original register,
he added this History, written in collaboration with his brother James).
It contains the registry of Baptisms, and proclamation of Marriages,
with receipt and expenditure of poor money, and of other public collections
of the congregation. These collections prove the wealth and respectability
of the Congregation at that period.Some of them were applied to the
assistance of other Congregations
among which are found Enniskillen year 1704, Betturbell year 1714, and
Dromore 1727; one for the relief of the inhabitants of Lisnagarvy now
Lisburn, year 1714, when that town was burned: others to pay the expenses
of sending Presbyterian Commissioners to Dublin and London in the years
1704, 1705, 1711, 1718 & 1719 to negotiate matters of importance
to the Presbyterian interest; one of which commissioners was selected
from this parish on four several occasions: There is also
mentioned subscriptions for the Public Fund of the Presbyterians, and
the expenses of sending Elders to attend Presbytries. Also for a book
of discipline 1710: The book of Discipline here mentioned, and the Presbyterian
Public Fund, are at present unknown, and the history of them is forgotten.
Perhaps they may be more distinctly traced in the records of some other
All the other records belonging to this Congregation from the year
1734 to the year 1780, which were kept with great regularity during
the Ministry of Mr Strong, were lost in the house of his son-in-law,
Mr John Armstrong, in the burning of the town of Ballynahinch in the
year 1798. With these were destroyed many valuable records of history
of Presbyterians which Mr Strong had taken pains to collect: and particularly
of the Presbytry of Killyleigh, which was unfortunately dissolved soon
after his decease.The records kept at present are Marriages, Baptisms,
with the distribution of poor money, and Congregational accounts.
All the records and accounts of the Congregation from the year 1783
to the year 1798 in the Ministry of the Revd JohnMcClelland were lost
in the burning of the town of Ballynahinch, as before alluded.
The following Presbyterian Ministers were born, baptised and bred
up members of this Congregation:
The Revds Joseph Martin, Minister of Corby, County Longford;
William Blakely, Minister of Carrickfergus, County Antrim;
John Arnott, Minister of Ballybay, County Monaghan;
John McCance, Minister of Cumber, County Down;
James Armstrong, D.D., Minister of Strand Street, City of Dublin;
Nathaniel Alexander, Minister of Crumlin, County Antrim;
James Davis, Minister of Banbridge, County Down;
John Davis, Master of a Classical Academy, Belfast;
James McClelland, Minister of Ballynahinch, County Down;
John Arnold, Minister of Omagh, County Tyrone;
David Hamilton, Minister of Connor, now of Belfast, County Antrim;
Robert Arnold, Minister of Stratford, County Wicklow.
To these may be added:
Mr James Thompson, Professor of Mathematics in the Belfast College.
He was intended for a Presbyterian Minister, and was under the care
of the Presbytry of Dromore with this view, when he elected to the situation
he now fills with so much credit to himself and to the congregation
of which he was a member. He was afterwards called to fill the same
situation as Professor in the College of Glasgow with the degree of
Under the list of Presbyterian Ministers born in the bounds of this
Congregation may be enumerated five of the seceding congregation, which
was formed in this town
about the year 1755.
Revds John Sturgeon, Minister of Board Mills, County of Down;
John Edgar, Minister of Belfast, County of Antrim;
Alexr McIlwain, Minister of Ballyblack, County of Down;
David Edgar, Minister of Ballynahinch, County of Down;
James Walker, Minister of ________ in Pennsylvania, United States.
There has not been any proclamation of Marriage since the Congregation
came under the care of the Presbytry of Dromore.In this and many other
respects the affairs of this Congregation have participated in the general
relaxation of discipline observable for many years in the Presbyterian
Church of Ireland. There has been no visitation Presbytry held here
during that period. Catechising,
examining and parochial visitations have been in general measure given
up.Many of these useful customs have, however, been revived of late
by the present Minister, and it is hoped that the interests of religion
will be thereby greatly promoted.
The Protestant inhabitants of this Parish are almost all members of
this Congregation - or of seceeders which emanated from this
Congregation. These two societies live on terms of great harmony, and
intermarriages are very frequent between them.The members of the established
church are very few, and intermarriages with them are not very frequent.
When they do occur, the females
generally go to worship with their husbands. Intermarriages with Roman
Catholics are very rare.Ecclesiastical censure is inflicted by public
rebuke for Adultery, Fornication, Slander, and irregular Marriage -
not before the whole Congregation but in the vestry, before the Session
or Elders.There are six public day schools, in two of which the classics
are taught. The inhabitants of this parish have been distinguished for
their love of education; and there are few districts of equal extent
that have furnished a greater number of excellent scholars in the different
learned professions.There is also a female boarding school under the
conduct of ladies who
are members of this Congregation.There are Sunday Schools for the numerous
poor in the different districts of this extensive parish: These schools
are under the superintendence of the Clergymen and members of the Presbyterian
Congregations. They are all in a very flourishing state and contain
on average from five to six hundred scholars, who are taught gratuitously
by the respectable inhabitants of the Parish.
Presbyterian Congregation of Dromara
The Congregation of Dromara is an offset from the Congregation of
Ballynahinch, being called the Western Outskirts of that Congregation.The
first place they assembled for public worship was in the Stackyard of
Mr John Baxter of Crossgare about the year 1711 or 1712.They
were formed into a regular Congregation in the year 1713. The first
stated Minister was the Revd Jo Campbell who continued with them
till his death in the year 1724. Revd John King succeeded Mr
Campbell in the ministry about the year 1728. He was a licentiate of
the Presbytry of Armagh, and was ordained by them to this charge.It
is not known what part of the parish the Congregation held their public
worship from the year 1713 till the year 1735, in which year they built
their first Meeting house (which was thatched) in the townland of Artanagh,
and about the 7th year of Mr King's Ministry. The Genl Synod which met
at Dungannon in June 1729, he with the Congregation were joined to the
Presbytry of Killyleagh. Mr King did not comply to this order of Synod,
and after a remonstrance from the Presbytry why he did not attend their
meetings.A letter from him to the Presbytry "stating that his Congregation
will not easily consent to their disannexation from the Presbytry of
Armagh and that he apprehends it is not at all expedient for him to
attend the Presbytry of Killyleigh till his people be further dealt
with about it".
The consideration of this letter is waved at present. Mr King was absent
from a meeting of Presbytry at Killyleigh 29th July 1730 without sending
any excuse, and the consideration of his reasons formerly offered by
him for his absence from last meeting is referred till next meeting.
Mr King appeared at a meeting of presbytry at Ballynahinch 13th October
1730. He represented at some length the reasons of his absence from
the former meetings of presbytry since last Genl Synod, which being
considered, it is agreed this matter be waved at present.Meeting of
presbytry at Saintfield 24th November 1730. Mr King absent, from whom
there is no account. At Synod held Belfast 6th January 1731 .
Mr John King present. Meeting of presbytry at Ballyhalbert 6th
April 1731 Mr King absent, from whom there is no return. Meeting of
presbytry at Kilmore 18th May 1731, Mr King present. Meeting of Synod
at Antrim 16th June 1731, Mr King present, his Elder Mr John Baxter.
After this meeting of Presbytry at Synod, it appears that Mr King had
obtained liberty of Synod to join his former Presbytry of Armagh and
to annex the congregation to it. Mr King died about the year 1762 and
the 34th year of his ministry. He left one son and a daughter who afterwards
became the wife of the Revd James Birch who succeeded Mr King
in the ministry.
Mrs Birch died 22nd December 1796 in the 49th year of her age.
Mr Birch was a licentiate of the Presbytry of Dromore, and was called
to the Pastoral charge of Dromara about the year 1776, and during hisministry
the Meeting House was enlarged. The Congregation became so numerous
from its extending into the Parishes of Garvaghy and Dromore.And after
a long and well spent life in the discharge of his several duties amongst
the people, both as a Clergyman and Physician, he resigned the care
of the Congregation (from age and infirmity) in favour of his Grandson
the Revd James Birch Black. Mr Birch died in the year 1820, having
had one son, and seven daughters, and was buried in the
Meetinghouse Graveyard. His Tomb Stone as follows: -
Here is interred
Revd James Birch,
Presbyterian Minister of the Parish of Dromara
If exemplary discharge of his important duties
For 56 years
If a candid liberal Christian Spirit,
If the warmest affections towards his fellow men,
Excite an interest;
His memory will live in your breast,
Then death shall have erased the impressions
So fondly cherished and deeply engaged
Upon the hearts of his Flock.
Obit October 29th 1820, aged 80.
Mr Birch was succeeded by his Grandson Revd James Birch Black,
who was a Licentiate of the presbytry of Dromore. He did not survive
his Grandfather more than a few years, and died about the year 1823,
and was interred in the family burying place in the Meetinghouse yard.He
was succeeded in the Pastoral charge of the Congregation by the Revd
William Craig, who was first placed in the Congregation of Carmony
in the County of Antrim, and received unanimous call to this Congregation.
He was installed to the charge by the presbytry of Dromore on the 26th
day of December 1825 to which presbytry the Congregation continues in
connexion and during the Ministry of Mr Craig the present substantial
and commodious Meetinghouse was erected on the site of the old one in
the year 1826.A new Congregation has been established in the village
of Dromara under the care of the presbytry of Down. (Typist's note:
There follows in pencil two names - those of Mr Pallu? And Mr John.)
Presbyterian Congregation of Kilmore, County
of Down
The Presbyterian inhabitants of the parish of Kilmore was called the
eastern outskirts of the Ballynahinch Congregation, and was erected
into a separate Congregation about the year 1715. The registry of births
and marriages of the people of Kilmore were all entered in the records
of the Ballynahinch Congregation which is still in existence. The people
of Kilmore lying at such distance from Ballynahinch, and being numerous
and respectable, determined on building a Meetinghouse for the purpose
of Presbyterian worship in their own parish. The sight (site) of their
first Meetinghouse was nearly the same as that of the present, in the
Townland of Rademon, belonging to the Johnston Family, on the
then leading road from Belfast to Downpatrick, and from Ballynahinch
Killyleagh, by the village of Kilmore. The House at first was small,
and far from being of the best materials and workmanship, is proved
from the shortness of its duration, a new one being required to replace
it in little more than ten years.
A native of Scotland, a Mr Elder, was called to take charge
of this new Congregation, and was ordained to the presbytry of Bangor;
under this presbytry the Congregation continued, and was under their
jurisdiction.As to any minute account of the ministry of Mr Elder, is
not known, only that after having been settled in the parish about ten
years, he resigned the charge of the Congregation andreturned to Scotland
his native country.Shortly after the resignation of Mr Elder, and in
the year 1728, an invitation or call was presented by the Bangor presbytry
to the presbytry of Killyleagh for Mr Samuel Fergie a probationer
within their bounds.
Then from the Congregation of Kilmore appeared Commissioners John
McKee, John Dobbin, John Ringland and Divers others, to present
their call to Mr Samuel Fergie, and to request the presbytry
to do what was proper in order to their speedy settlement of Mr Fergie,
and to grant him a dismiss and testimonials and to take upon him the
pastoral charge of the Congregation of Kilmore. This invitation was
in the same year followed up by the presbytry of Bangor ordaining him
to the charge of this Congregation.
Mr Fergie was a native of the Barony of Ards in this County,
and then in about the 37th year of his age. Agreeable to the custom
of the time, at least in country Congregations, it was stipulated that
the annual provision for his support should be partly in money, partly
in commodities of domestic use. The quota promised to him and secured
by Bond, was =A330 yr ano in cash, two hundred loads of turf, and one
pack of meal from each seatholder in the Congregation. Besides this,
there was appropriated to the residence and benefit of the Congregation,
for the Clergymen, as in several Congregations a farm, containing eighty
acres of the best land in the parish, and at a very moderate rent. In
the summer of the year 1730 about two years after Mr Fergie's settlement,
by order of the Genl Synod which met at Dungannon four neighbouring
Congregations were added to the jurisdiction of the Presbytry of Killyleigh
viz Revd James Macalpine Ballynahinch, Revd Archibald Dickson,
Saintfield, Revd Samuel Fergie, Kilmore, and Revd John King,
Dromara, on account of a considerable diminution of its numbers,
and in this change Mr Fergie and the congregation of Kilmore was
transferred from the Presbytry of Bangor to that of Killyleigh. At an
early period of Mr Fergie's ministry a second Meetinghouse was built,
the former one having become unfit for public worship, nor does it seem
that it was ever well constructed, having a bad roof which was thatched.
It having been necessary in less than sixty years afterwards to replace
it by a third. Nothing further during Mr Fergie's ministry deserving
of notice. He died in the year 1765 and was interred under the family
pew in the Meetinghouse, and a tablet in the wall of the pew as follows.
"Revd Samuel Fergie died 3rd May 1765 in the 82nd year of
his age and 37th of his ministry in Kilmore. Jane his Wife died 8th
July 1778 in her 75th year of her age. Jane their eldest daughter died
18th July 1779 in the 44th year of her age". He left three other
Daughters Mrs Shaw, Mrs Hamilton, and Mrs Macquoid, and one Son,
William Fergie Esqr, a Magistrate of County Down, who died at his
residence Springfield year 1780 and was buried in the graveyard of Redemon.
A Tombstone records the following ;
"Here lieth the Body of William Fergie (late of Springfield)
Esqr who died on the 25th day of December 1780 in the 50th
year of his age". He raised a Company of Volunteers, called Kilmore
True Blues, of which he was Captain, James McRoberts Lieut.,
Aron Cleland Ensign.
Mr William Fergie was an active man though corpulent. The day
after his Funeral, his remains were weighed in his orchard, and after
deducting the weight of the coffin, his body weighed upwards of 42 Stone,
otherwise 5 Cwt. And 1 qrs. which at the time was the arrangement of
the whole country.Unfortunately for the Presbyterian society established
here, unfortunately for succeeding ministers, due care had not been
exercised to secure to the people the property of their valuable parish
farm. In this, as in many similar instances of later occurrence, one
of these proceedings shows itself, which too often ensue from an ill
judged and foolish confidence, and is peculiarly calculated to injure
the interests, and respectability of Presbyterians.
The farm having been held by a terminable Lease under Lord Dillifford,
and the term of the Lease being nearly expired, Mr Fergie renewed it
in his own name, and thus converted what should have been the sacred
right of the people, to the benefit of himself and family. This farm
lies in the Townland of Ballydian and is now the property of David
Stewart Ker Esq.
The Congregation having become the second time vacant, by the death
of Mr Fergie. Early in the year 1767, the Revd Moses Neilson
was called from the Presbytry of Straban, under whose care he had been
a Probationer, to take the pastoral charge of this Congregation, and
on the 8th day of April in the same year, was ordained by the Presbytry
of Killyleigh. At his settlement the mode of providing in part for the
maintenance of a Minister by contributions of turf, meal &c. was
relinquished, and in lieu of it a Stipend of =A350 yr annum promised
to be paid. For several years after Mr Neilson's settlement, nothing
of a public nature affecting this congregation presents itself to claim
particular notice.Hitherto the congregation was subject to the guidance
of the presbytry
of Killyleigh; the time now arrived when that Presbytry ceased to exist
any longer.During the vacancy of Ballynahinch after the death of Mr
Strong, which lasted upwards of three years, one of its constituent
congregations, certain disputes arose among the members of the Presbytry,
or rather some matters relative to that congregation, gave them the
pretext to attacks and retorts upon each other, with over warmth and
acrimony. The heads of the disputants were Doctors Little and Dickson,
and the consequence of this contention was the entire dissolution of
the Presbytry, in the year 1788.
In this state of things the members severally joined such other Presbytries
as most suited their taste, and convenience. Mr Neilson
influenced by his peculiar esteem for the members of the Presbytry of
Armagh, and the liberality and candour of their principles, chose to
unite himself and his Congregation to them.In the year 1787, Mr Neilson
procured the present Meetinghouse to be
built, as appears on an inscription on a stone in the front wall thereof
- "This House was built in the year of our Lord 1787, and in the
21st year of the Ministry of the Revd Moses Neilson." - being the
third house erected on the same spot, in a period little more than 70
years.About this time the College of Glasgow conferred the degree of
Doctor of Divinity on Mr Neilson, without any solicitation on his part.
Doctor Neilson was a man of great learning, and a profound scholar.
He superintended a large classical Academy at Redeman and had at one
time 42 Boarders, the sons of the most respectable families in the Counties
of Down and Antrim, besides a large number of Day scholars. His scholars
were well prepared ere they entered college. This was acknowledged by
the several Professors of Glasgow.For a considerable series of subsequent
time, although the country has been agitated by political troubles,
yet nothing appears in any particular manner to affect the Presbyterian
settlement of Kilmore.Doctor Neilson was Moderator of the General
Synod year 1798. The following advertisement which appeared in the Belfast
News-Letter of August 10th 1798. -General Synod.
"The members of the General Synod of Ulster will please take notice
that Tuesday, the 28th Inst, is the day appointed for the meeting
of the General Synod at Lurgan. August 9th 1798.M. Neilson, Moderator."
"The meeting above mentioned is to take place with my permission;
and I desire that every protection and accommodation may be afforded
by the military in the Northern district to the members thereof, in
passing to and from Lurgan for this purpose.
G. Nugent, Major General Commanding Northern District. Belfast, August
9th 1798.
To the Officers commanding troops and detachments in the Northern District,"
At length in the 73rd year of his age, and 43rd of his Ministry, Doctor
Neilson feeling the growing infirmity of age to render him less fit
for the active discharge of his duties, thought it expedient to take
an Assistant in the pastoral Office. And in the year 1810 Arthur
Neilson his younger son, then a Probationer under the care of the
Presbytry of Antrim, was called, and on the 10th of June Ordained in
this Congregation as Assistant and eventually successor to his father.The
Stipend promised Dr Neilson near 55 years since, viz =A350 a year. They
each settled with the people as in case of their death, to save the
Congregation from the troubles and evils too well known to arise from
an accumulated arrear of Stipend, at the Clergyman's demise. Each year,
the account of Stipend paid is regularly read in public, and whatever
the collection may fall short of the stipulated quota is at once given
up, if it cannot be procured, rather than allow to swell into the grievous
burthen of a dead arrear
Doctor Neilson died in the Autumn year 1823, in the 86th year of
his age, and 57th of his Ministry, regretted by all good men.He left
seven sons, and one daughter, vizJames, D.D. Minister of Presbyterian
Congn, Downpatrick,Joseph, an eminent Physician resident in Dundalk,John,
a Farmer,William, D.D. Minister of Presbyterian Congn, Dundalk, afterwards
Professor of Greek in the
Belfast Academical Institution, where he died,Andrew, a Farmer, held
a situation under Government,Robert, M.D. and was Minister of Congregation
Ballyclare,Arthur, who succeeded his father in this Congregation and
died in the
year 1830,-------- married Doctor Getty of Dundalk, and left a FamilyIt
is hoped that for the future due care will be taken to preserve the
records of all Presbyterian worshipping societies, that they may be
handed down to future ages, as encouragements to stand fast, in
Christian liberty and independence, and disdain all human impositions.
And earnestly hope that a faithful registry may be held of the conduct
of Christian Ministers, and of events that affect the state of religious
society among them, that whither favourable or unfavourable, they may
be so positively striking lessons of the ways of providence, and may
be salutary to them, either for their example or their warning.
During the ministry of the Revd Arthur Neilson, he with the
other Unitarian Ministers, viz John Mitchel, Newry; James Davis,
Banbridge; James Lunn, Carlingford; Arthur Neilson, Kilmore; Samuel
Arnold, Narrow-water; Samuel Craig Neilson, Dromore; John Watson, Gray
Abbey; John Mulligan, Moira; Henry Montgomery, Dunmurry; Fletcher Blakely,
Moneyrea; David White, Ballee; William Porter, Newtown Limavady; Thomas
Alexander, Cairncastle; Robert Campbell, Templepatrick; Nathaniel Alexander,
Crumlin; Alexander Montgomery, Glenarm; and William Glendy, Ballycarry;
These all met in Belfast, on the 25th May 1830, with their Elders, and
formed themselves into a distinct body, under the name of the
Remonstrate Synod of Ulster.The Revd William Crozier succeeded
the Revd Arthur Neilson , in the charge of this Congregation. He was
educated at the Revd Mr Shaw's School Banbridge, and afterwards
at Redemon Academy, under Doctor Neilson. He was a licentiate of the
Presbytry of Dromore, and was called to take charge of the Presbyterian
Congregation of Clonmel on the death of the Revd Mr Woral, and
was ordained by the Synod of Munster on the 7th day of July 1825. He
was then called from Clonmel to the
pastoral charge of this Congregation, and was installed by the Presbytry
of Armagh on the 21st day of Septr 1832.
(Typist's note: the following sentence was added in pencil by a different
hand - "The Revd Wm Crozier died 22nd May 1873 in the 77th
year of his age & 49th of his Ministry. He was interred at Magheradroll".)
In 1785, the Revd Moses Ne(i)lson proposed to the Presbytry of
Killyleagh that an Academy should be established in Belfast.
In the minutes of last Presbytry of Killileagh respecting the Belfast
Academy resolved that the Clerk be enjoined to write immediately to
each member of Presbytry not present this day, suggesting a direct and
implicit answer whither and in what manner and proportion he would choose
to subscribe or contribute to the subscription mentioned in said minute,
and informing that the members contributing mean to attend at Belfast
on the day to be mentioned, or appointed by public advertisement, for
regulating the affairs of said Academy, and to be prepared to pay their
subscription provided the plan meets their expectation.
Presbytry of Killyleigh held at Kilmore 7th March 1786. It appears that
Messrs Ne(i)lson and Porter had attended the meeting at Belfast, and
paid five Guineas each, as their annual part of said subscription. That
the Revd W. McComb had remitted to Mr Ne(i)lson five Guineas
which he understood as his subscription.
The following letter of thanks directed to our Moderator Revd Alexr
McComb of Cregan and Newtownhamilton, by the President of the aforesaid
Academy, was read and ordered to be entered on our minutes.
Belfast January 25th 1786
At a general meeting of the subscribers to the Belfast Academy held
this day, I am directed to return their utmost thanks to you and the
other Gentlemen of the Presbytry of Killyleigh, for that early part
you took by countenancing in so friendly and public a manner the intention
of opening an Academy in this Town; and also for your generous subscription
in aid of same. It is with pleasure I obey these commands,
being with great respect. Sir
Your faithful servt
Alexander Haliday President.
In 1786 the Belfast Academy was opened, and in the hope that it would
soon attain distinction as a Collegiate seminary, the Presbytry of Killyleigh
subscribed one hundred Guineas towards its support.
Congregation of Drumcaw, now Clough
Drumcaw Congregation was originally under the pastoral charge of the
Revd Henry Livingston, with that of the Congregation of Ballynahinch
and Drumbo. He was ordained their minister in the year 1655, & continued
Minister of this Congregation for 32 years, when feeling his health
failing, and it being too great a distance from Drumbo, he resigned
the charge in the year 1687. Having to attend the duties of Ballynahinch
and Drumbo, he afterwards resigned the charge of Ballynahinch in the
year 1696, to the great regret of that Congregation. He continued with
the Congregation of Drumbo till his death which took place 7th April
This Congregation was under the care of the Presbytry of Down, and
after the resignation of Mr Livingston they ordained the Revd Thomas
Maxwell to the pastoral charge of the Congregation. He died in the
year 1705. The Revd Hugh Ramsay succeeded Mr Maxwell, and was
ordained by the Presbytry of Down in May 1707, and who died November
1720. Revd Hugh Williamson was ordained by the Presbytry of Down,
which Presbytry was afterwards dissolved in 1725, and erected into two
Presbytries Killyleigh & Bangor.The Revd Hugh Williamson
had a Lease granted to the Congregation in the year 1736 by Francis
Annesley Esqr of a piece of ground in the Town of Clough for a Meetinghouse
or place of worship, and also a graveyard, to hold to the Trustees therein
named viz William Beers, William Blakely, William Maitland, Alexander
Hardy, John Johnston, & Andw McNeight, their
heirs & assigne(e)s for ever, at the yearly rent of one shilling.
On the completion of the building of this Meetinghouse the Congregation
removed from the old Meetinghouse of Drumcaw to that of Clough.The Revd
Hugh Williamson during his Ministry was on the 3rd August 1731 suspended
by the Presbytry of Killyleigh from the exercise of his Office of the
Holy Ministry and every part of it until the ninth day of November next,
and on that day the suspension was taken off, and he was then restored
to the exercise of his Ministry. Mr Williamson died in the year 1748,
and was succeeded by his son the Revd John Williamson, who was
ordained by the Presbytry of Killyleigh in February 1752, which Presbytry
like that of Down was dissolved in the year 1786. Revd Robert Porter
succeeded Mr Williamson, and was ordained by the Presbytry of Bangor
in June 1773. Mr Porter became infirm and unable to perform his duties.
The Revd William Campbell was ordained as Assistant and eventual
successor to Mr Porter in September 1813, by the Presbytry of Bangor.
Mr Campbell died in the year 1829, and on his decease the
Congregation split, one party remaining in possession of the Meetinghouse,
the Remonstrants joined the Presbytry of Antrim, and had by them ordained
to the Ministry the Revd David Watson. They then erected a comfortable
Meetinghouse in the town of Clough, in which they have since continued
to worship in peace and comfort.
here for the church register marriages 1696-1733